Thursday, November 22, 2012

It's been long enough.........

~In the wee hours of morning.... pitch darkness, all that can be heard is the muffled snore of Brian under the covers sawing logs~

RING RING!!!!!!! RING RING!!!!!!!!

Fumbling in the dark is heard… “Hello?”

“BRIAN! It’s Mandy! What’s crackalackin??”

“Mandy? It’s 3 in the morning! What in the name of…” Christy throws a pillow at Brian, “Why are you talking? I’m trying to sleep!”

Brian, whimpering from the thrown pillow, puts his hand over the phone, “ Settle down, it’s Mandy being all crazy like and calling in the middle of the night.” Christy instantly wakes up, flicks the light on and grabs the phone. “HEEEHHHHLOOOOHHHHHH LEEHHHHHDEEE!!”


Brian smacks his head and rolls his eyes…. “Ask her why she’s calling at this hour?”

Mandy is already talking on the other end of the line, “Is he complaining? Smack him again!” Christy instantly smacks Brian again and laughs as he starts to cry. “So what’s going on Mandy? It’s kinda late to be calling now, I have to get up early for a marathon in the morning.”

Mandy: “A marathon??? Of what? TV watching? Eating? I just won me a tuna eating marathon and got a medal! Well… it was really just the lid from a can of tuna with a chain to go around my neck but anyway…”

Christy sighs… “Mandy Mandy Mandy you know most marathons are for running. I’m into the serious stuff. We’re talking 5 K’s and the like.”

Mandy starts to convulse at the thought of all that running… Rohan has to grab the phone: “What’s up guys? What did you think of Mandy’s news?”

Christy and Brian look at each other in surprise…both scream into the phone: “WHAT NEWS? WHAT IS GOING ON???”

Rohan…loving the anticipation, waits out the silence…. Mandy can’t stand it and grabs the phone “We want to keep doing the fake radio show!!! And we want world peace, but one thing at a time.”

Brian jumps around with glee, doing the fist pump and twirling like a ballerina. Christy has mixed feelings, she remembers the kerfuffle that is Superfriends…. But one look at Brian’s giddy face and she can’t help herself, “Can we get paid this time?”

Rohan interjets “That’s what I’d like to know!” Mandy grabs the phone again “Never mind him. The fame and glory is all the pay I need!”

Silence is so loud crickets are heard….. fame and glory?

Brian: “Mandy you know I’m still the headliner don’t you? The fame and glory is mine!”

Mandy: “Now wait a second Brian, I’m the international star! I should headline! THROW ANUTHA SHRIMP ON THA BAHBEE!!”

Brian rolls his eyes: “Mandy quit all the Australian talk. It we’re going to do the show it’ll need to be English only, that’s our target audience.” Christy looks at him questioningly… ‘audience?’

Rohan on the line again “Now about this pay..” Mandy interrupts “Rohan leave it, this excitement is making me hungry. Can you go get me a meat pie?”

Brian goes green at the thought of a meat pie and throws up in his mouth a little….

Will the Superfriends make its anticipated return? Does Brian decide to try a meat pie when he visits Australia? Will Brian ever visit Australia??

Stay tuned and keep an eye out for…. The Return of the Superfriends!!!